Though adults love Hanging Gardens, which are about the only oasis of green in South Mumbai, the main landmark that imprints on Children is the Mhatari Cha Boot that stands across the road, in Kamala Nehru Park which is often confused with the hanging gardens proper.
Kamala Nehru Park with its paved paths (unlike Hanging Gardens that have dirt paths) is as green as the Hanging Gardens but has more by way of entertainment, for kids and grown ups alike.
From here one can see the spectacualr view of Mumbai - Chowpatty and the queens necklace (Marine Drive)

The Round Deck
It also offers a breathtaking view of the Chowpatty and The queens Necklace.
The View from when I was a Kid and from the same location Now.

The chief attraction for kids of all ages and for me then and now is the Boot shaped structure inspired by the famous nursery rhyme "There was an Old Woman who lived in a shoe" which gives it its popular loved name "Mhatari Cha Boot"
For me Hanging gardens used to be synonymous with "Mhatari cha boot" and I used to look forward to my mother (adults were still allowed inside then) taking me up the dark and cool staircase that went up the inside of the boot, and led to the small balcony up front above the laces. I can still vividly recall the how the old concrete walls of the boot almost shut out the outside light and sound, it was like being in a completely different place, smooth walled, cool, dark and tunnel like. That small balcony is the tallest place in the garden and as the garden is already atop a Hill (Malabar Hill) it gave one of the most stunning view one that; by the time I reached High School; only children were a privy to, for the door to the boot was made too small for adults to enter. after a few years a horizontal bar was put up across the door already reduced in height, so that only children bellow a certain height could enter, and how we cursed our growth hormones then. But still the boot had company as small children enter that alternate dimension of the boot's interior. The Boot and children were still happy, and though I missed going in myself I found some joy in looking at the bright looks on kids faces as they stood in that balcony. Then some jerk in the govt. decided it was too risky to let unsupervised children into the structure alone (Bloody dumbass).
First they stopped adults going in , but still elder children supervised the smaller ones , then they barred the older kids form entering and then realized that no one was left to supervise the little children so they shut off access to the boot.
Mhatari Cha Boot in its Glory days (Extreme Left) and standing Forlorn now

Children now will never know the joy of entering the small door and scurrying up the old moulded stairway and standing up in the Balcony, waving out to parents below with the look of conquring Everest.
The Park authorities have seemingly crushed the hopes of children under that very same Boot, the kids so lovingly come to see.
All that the little children can do now is scamper up the side of the boot and sit on it, never knowing that there is more to "Mhatari cha Boot" than the outside. Yes, I am one of the lucky few who had a chance to fully know "Mhatari cha Boot " and never miss out a chance to tell how it is inside, but its not something than can be told as much as experienced.
"Mhatari cha boot" now just stands there sad and forlorn, sans the children that were its soul, it seems it also misses us as much as we miss it.
Maybe be One day "Mhatari cha Boot" will just walk off looking for a place where it and the children will be together and happy again.
Humm, buddy reminded of old times, That shoe was fun.
Rishi I managed to sneak in and go to the top last eyar :D..enjoyed reading ..GOD bless
good job.. :) quite nostalgic...
hey man,
nice one... reminds me when we went to the shoe when i visited BOM as a kid... that day was like seeing something in fairyland for me ;o)
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