A few weeks ago on 28th June 2008, there was a coupon in most of the leading newspapers in Mumbai giving Tropicana twister Orange thrill , By Pespsico, for Rs. 5/-. Now im no 'Kanjoos' but show me a man not wanting to save money and ill show you a Jackass.

Now I have what can only be called a soft drink tooth, and a soft drink belly to match (I do prefer a soft drink belly agaisnt all the Beer bellies around.) So ,I cut the coupons and looking to save a few Rupees took them to the nearest retailer (Visha Supermarket) but the lil bugger refused the coupons saying 'Stock aya hi nahi hain !' Well Alrighty then I moved on to the next shop But same story there too.
Well I checked quite a few retailers and given my tenacity so save the Rs. 7 and being thirsty I went all the way to Grant Road Station, looking to redeem my coupon and quentch my thrist with the Orangy drink, But there too "Hum coupon nahi lete, and stock nahi hain"
I wonder if there was really no stock or the retailers just didnt want to take the coupons, fearing no reimbursement by Pepsico.
WTF I thought im giving Pepsico a piece of my mind, and send them a fiery mail with address of the retailers not having the stock of their drink. I was majorly pissed off with Pepsico for making me walk so much so get their damned Fruit drink.
Next day i received a phone call from the PRO of pepsico India, the smooth talking sugary lady thanked me profusely for letting them know that the delivery was slow (I don't want your thanks, I just want my drink) she apologized and all (Helloo!!! I don't care for apologies, I want my Twister Bottle for Rs. 5, even if your offer has expired.) The lady was all like sir to show you that we are sorry we will send you a complimentary Crate of The drink (Angry??, im not angry anymore, the only thing better than a damned Twister 250 ml for Rs. 5 is a double damned crate of Twister 350ml for FREE.) Ok is say that's fine, just see to it that next time you give an Advertise your product is actually available in the market.
Now I waited for 3 weeks (that's the standard time for delivery even for parcels coming by post form halfway round the globe) but not a drop of my Drink reached me. What to do, what to do ?
The Coupon incident had already marred my opinion of Pepsico but this was enough for me to start bad mouthing the company and their products. After all its not like I asked for a bloody free crate of the fruit drink, The Pepsico lady promised it to me of her own accord. And hell yeah, I might forget promised by me, but I never forget Promises too me.
If they can be shameless so can I (MBBS does that to people) Another mail degrading the company and its policies shot of my PC, and it sure hit the mark, for here I am typing this post sipping a cool Tropicana Twister Orange Thrill.
It took a month and two angry emails but I sure as hell got My fruity Orangy drink (A crate of 24, 350ml bottles was sent over today)

The Complimentary Crate
And as the coupon says, here I am 'Bheeg Kar Enjoying my 5 rupaye mein TWISTER' for free. The thirst for revenge is over............for now at least.
Note- Next time something like this happens, be sure to tet the offending company know. All it takes is just free email, and some angry words.
1 comment:
Sir Rishi Sir.
B I G M A N.
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